Our Alumni Association is primarily a social group, one that provides opportunities for local and distant alumni to come together for activities or just to hang out. LTEF uses a safe, secure alumni engagement platform (featured in Principal Leadership Magazine) to connect and mobilize Trail Alumni.

Learn more and create an account here:

JOINING is free and offers the following benefits:

  • Access tools for organizing in person and virtual meetings with alumni
  • Mentor alumni/students targeting certain careers and/or programs
  • Unite with other alumni to build Lackawanna Trail’s reputation as one of our nation’s best schools
  • Alumni discounts and amenities – products or services offered for free or at a unique discount for Trail Alumni – contact us to add your special alumni discount or amenity

LTEF formed our Alumni Association to accomplish the following goals:

  • Deepen relationships & collaboration between LTSD & our community
  • Serve as a ready, trusted resource for alumni to locate past classmates & friends
  • Provide a deep pool of role models & mentors for LTSD students
  • Enrich & enhance school programs through volunteering
  • Tap the power of inter-generational thinking/acting to offer solutions for school & community issues.
  • Encourage & support innovative education programs & opportunities for LTSD students

How you can help LTSD students

Working together even a handful in our community, including alumni, can have a profound, lifelong impact on a Trail student.

  • SHARE an innovative educational/vocational opportunity
  • VOLUNTEER for a program at LTSD or LTEF
  • FUND/SUPPORT a specific program
  • MENTOR a student/alumni in a specific life/career goal
  • SPREAD the word


I moved on and/or moved away from Trail. Why should I get involved? In short, the “power of we” awaits you! In strong alumni organizations, classmates across the generations help each other as sounding boards, a sympathetic ear, sharing job/career tips/opportunities, and more. Trail alumni live and work around the world. Each of us offers a wealth of life experience that you may find difficult to find elsewhere.

How much time/money does membership require? Are you going to fill my email/mail with messages? Registering with our Alumni Association is free and we do not share, sell or distribute any of alumni information collected. LTEF is run entirely by volunteer, fellow alumni. Our main reason for forming the Alumni Association was to invite ALL Trail alumni to an annual homecoming game picnic each October. Addition interaction, involvement and benefits are entirely up to how much you decide to reach out or contribute.

Most public schools don’t have an alumni association. Why do we need one at Trail? High school alumni groups have been around for generations. Alumni groups are especially active in private and parochial schools who are funded through tuition fees but need additional funds to attract students and remain competitive. Alumni groups are commonplace at colleges and universities who see alumni relations as vital to the long-term success of the school. See Alumni Programs Lead to Scholarships, Community Partnerships, and More (National Association of Secondary School Principals – March 2019) [